Employment & Career

Welcome to our Jobs for Life Program

Ferry Street Resource Center offers a four-week Job Interview Program for those who are unemployed or underemployed.  covers all aspects of the job search process; allowing the participants to find employment and gain the skills necessary for ongoing career success.

 Here is a look at our four-week workshop schedule...

Week 1 – Self-Discovery & Job Search Tactics
Participants will take an Interest Inventory, so that they can discover what kind of work they would actually enjoy.  By developing some self-awareness before searching for a job, job seekers can increase their likelihood of career success.

Participants will also learn how to navigate job search websites, and develop labor market networking techniques to learn about job openings in their selected fields. 

Week 2 - Resume and Cover Letter Preparation
Participants will prepare their resumes and cover letters.

Week 3 - Life Skills
Participants will learn about values development, goal setting, good habits and routines, boundary development, and managing stress and anger.

Week 4 - Interview Techniques & Mock Interview
Participants will role-play interview questions from different sources and develop communication skills. Participants will also have the opportunity to be interviewed by actual HR professionals.

Call the Center at 269.687.9860 to reserve your spot in our next workshop. 

​​​Building Bridges to Opportunity and Sustainability